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只读。 Read-only [] [ ] 指明 paragraph 是其父正文内的最后一个段落。只读。 Indicates the paragraph is the last one inside its parent body.
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获取或设置首行缩进或悬挂缩进的大小(以磅值表示)。用正数设置首行缩进的尺寸,用负数设置悬挂缩进的尺寸。 Gets or sets the value, in points, for a first line or hanging indent.. [] [ ] 获取或设置指定段落的行间距(以磅值表示)。在 Word UI 中,该值应除以 12。 Gets or sets the line spacing, in points, for the specified paragraph.. [] [ ] 获取或设置段落的向左缩进值(以磅值表示)。 Gets or sets the left indent value, in points, for the paragraph.. 属性 获取或设置段落的对齐方式。 Gets or sets the alignment for a paragraph.

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Use this to get and set font name, size, color, and other properties [] [ ] 段落中获取 InlinePicture 对象的集合。 Gets the collection of InlinePicture objects in the paragraph.. In the Word UI, this value is divided by 12 [] [ ] 获取或设置网格线,在段后的间距。 Gets or sets the amount of spacing, in grid lines, after the paragraph.. 可取值为“left”、“centered”、“right”或“justified”。 The value can be 'left', 'centered', 'right', or 'justified'.. Use a positive value to set a first-line indent, and use a negative value to set a hanging indent.. [] [ ] 检查 paragraph 是否为 listItem。只读。 Checks whether the paragraph is a list item.. 这将连接到 Office 主机应用程序的过程外接程序的过程。 This connects the add-in's process to the Office host application's process.. During the older times the software used to lag but now everything has been optimized to get the max out of your current hardware.. Mac 。Macros in other modules can be invoked as Mod @mac or @Mod mac One note is that the ISO 8601 standard is particular about BC/BCE dates. 5ebbf469cd